Federatia Romana de Powerlifting

Message from the IPF President: COVID-19

Acasa » Message from the IPF President: COVID-19


Dear friends of powerlifting,





I trust this message finds each of you well.

The International Powerlifting Federation primary responsibility is the health and well-being of our athletes, coaches, officials, referees and our Partners and all of our powerlifting friends from around the World. We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the IPF is  committed to being responsive to your needs, as this situation evolves, to continue to strive and provide to you the best level of service possible.

The IPF Executive, Commissions, Committees and Regional Federations continue to work despite ongoing issues that we’re faced with. Despite the situation, the Office of the International Powerlifting Federation remains open. I’m there every day with Sonja, our office secretary.

This event is worrisome for all of us and remember, we’re in together until it ends. We all need to be responsible and do our part by following the laws and guidelines set by your local and national governments. Please check on your family members, friends and your training partners. Be a good neighbor and once more do your part – it truly goes a long way to ending the pandemic.

We will continue to monitor this situation and provide assistance to our regional and member federations, where and when we can. We plan to use the time away from the championships to catch up on work that has not been done.

I can tell you the competition calendar is going to have to be re-done. Presently, we’re planning not to cancel any championships for this year. However, if the present situation continues, we may have to combine several of the competitions to squeeze them all in by the end of the year. We shall continue to monitor the present and keep you advised on each decision we make.

We plan to schedule all of the World Championships first, then will schedule the Regional Championships. Once the new dates are set, we request that you still nominate lifters. However, we request that you wait to make your hotel and flight reservations.

Lastly, once more I kindly request that you continue to follow the decisions of your government as this is in the best interest for all of us and so that we may continue with our beautiful sport.

To close, I hope that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy. May god’s blessing be with each you.


Gaston Parage
International Powerlifting Federation


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